Holiday Gift Guide Series – Cupcake Charms

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Cupcake charms

Our favorite cupcake charms, pendants and bracelets.

I don’t think the cupcake craze of the last decade has escaped anybody’s attention. Magnolia Bakery in New York City is usually credited with starting it in the mid 90s, and their creations really rose to fame after being featured in Sex and the City. They are still as popular as ever, and have even gone worldwide: last year, they opened a bakery/store in the Dubai Mall. Tourists from all over the world still flock to the original NYC store as well – I went a few years ago with a friend who was visiting from overseas and had to see it (and eat a cupcake). It’s tiny! But the cupcakes are good.

Cupcake cars

These days, cupcakes are everywhere. There are many bakeries and stores solely devoted to making cupcakes, cupcake caterers, cupcake blogs, cupcake food trucks, cupcake books, wedding cakes, apparel, holiday ornaments, home decor, there is “Cupcake Wars” on Food Network; and what might just take the prize as the most unusual take on the sweet treats ever: cupcake cars from Nieman Marcus. These $25,000 customized motor-driven vehicles – which come with matching hats for the drivers – are surprisingly intended for adults!

There is of course also cupcake jewelry in many forms. Naturally, we are focusing on charms here, and have put together a collection of some recent favorite finds.

Cupcake Charms

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Cupcake charm jewelry curated by

1. Silver bangle bracelet with measuring spoon, cupcake and mixer charms. Charm bracelet by Zamsoe.

2. Sterling silver clip on charm with white and pink enamel. Cupcake charm by SilberDream Charms.

3. Sterling silver charm with your choice of jump ring or lobster clasp. Cupcake charm by Jeremy Hoye Jewellery.

4. Pewter bracelet with a cupcake and stamped initial charm. Charm bracelet by Short and Bald Jewelry.

5. Scented pumpkin spice charm necklace. The cupcake charm is made from polymer clay and comes with your choice of scent. Handmade charm by Decadent Mini.

6. Sterling silver and brass cupcake charm from Waxing Poetic.

7. This cupcake swirl charm comes in your choice of sterling silver, white or yellow gold with pink, blue or red “swirls” and a jump ring or clip on clasp. Rembrandt cupcake charm.

8. Brown leather necklace with a small winged bronze cupcake charm. Handmade charm necklace by Lost Apostle.

For more gift ideas, check out the Unusual Pendants and Charm Bracelet Charms, Jewelry Men Gifts for Father’s Day and Charmed Bracelets and Necklaces for Mother’s Day posts (and stay tuned for more to come!)

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