St. Christopher Necklace Pendants, Charms and Bracelets

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Need a gift for a traveler or surfer? Check out our favorite St. Christopher necklace pendants, charms and bracelets!

The holidays are here and I’m writing this on one of the biggest travel days of the year in the US, so I thought it would be a good time for a post featuring the most well known protector of travelers: St. Christopher.

Who was St. Christopher and why does he protect travelers?

According to Encyclopedia Britannica, legend has it that Saint Christopher devoted his life to carrying travelers across a river, and one day, a small child asked to be transported. In the middle of the river the child became so heavy that Christopher barely made it to the other side, but once he was safely there, he was told that he had borne upon his back the world and Him who created it.

St. Christopher has been known throughout history as The Protector of Travelers, but he is also a protector of athletes, mariners, sailors, soldiers, bachelors, and transportation workers. He is also said to protect against toothaches, lightning, floods, and sudden death.

St. Christopher necklaces are also often worn by surfers and their girlfriends / families, a tradition that started in California in the 1960s and still lives on today.

Here are some of our favorite recent St. Christopher necklace, charms and bracelet finds (links below the images):

St. Christopher Necklace Pendants, Charms and Bracelets |

1. Saint Christopher locket necklace by The Enchanted Locket

2. 14k rose and white gold Saint Christopher pendant by Ice On Fire Jewelry. The pendant can be personalized and ordered as a charm as well.

3. Leather bracelet with shell, wood, glass and ceramic beads and a turquoise St. Christopher medallion by Forever Surfer Girl

4. Blue and silver Saint Christopher pendant with a surfer embossed on the back by Get Back Supply Co

5. Moonstone bracelet with St. Christopher charm from elenagrace. You get double protection with this one! Moonstone is known as “the travelers stone” and is said to aid in the protection of nighttime travel, or voyaging by water when the moon is shining.

6. 9ct yellow gold St. Christopher charm bracelet by Universal Gold

7. Alex and Ani Saint Christopher bangle bracelet.

8. Sterling silver necklace with a silver St, Christopher pendant by My Love and Soul. You can add your own personalized message on the back of the pendant.

For more, also see our Travel Protection Charms, Pendants and Bracelets post.

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